Synonyms for whispering. whisper . Synonyms for whispering

 whisper Synonyms for whispering  clouds

Synonyms for whispering sticks whis·pering sticks This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word whispering sticks. Whispering Thesaurus. You can use "Rustling" instead the word "Whispering" as a noun or an adjective. ABBREVIATIONS; ANAGRAMS; BIOGRAPHIES; CALCULATORS; CONVERSIONS;. to utter (speech sounds) substituting breath for phonation. Synonyms for whispering campaign whis·per·ing cam·paign This thesaurus page is about all possible synonyms, equivalent, same meaning and similar words for the term whispering campaign. blow . adjective that whispers; making a sound like a whisper. Popular synonyms for Whispering and phrases with this word. What are synonyms for whispering galleries?Synonyms and related words for whispering from OneLook Thesaurus, a powerful English thesaurus and brainstorming tool that lets you describe what you're looking for in plain terms. Another word for whisper: to speak or say (something) very softly, using the breath instead of the vocal cords | Collins English ThesaurusSynonyms for whispering in Free Thesaurus. Maybe you were looking for one of these terms? whispering, whispering bells, whispering campaign, whispering dome, whispering gallery, whispers, whist, whist drive, whistle, whistle blower. A whisper is the opposite of a shout. define whispering. Find 11 ways to say WHISPERING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. whispering pronunciation - How to properly say whispering. Suggest synonym for Synonyms for Whispering campaign Rumour and whispering campaign are semantically related. What are similar words for Whispering starting with R? Filtred list of synonyms for Whispering is here. Quiz Synonyms for whispers include gossip, rumors, rumours, rumor, rumour, dirt, hearsay, storeys, stories and tales. a whispered sound. Detailed Synonyms for whispering in English. buzz . Synonyms for RUSTLE: whisper, stir, ripple, swish, friction, crackle, rustling, purl, patter, susurrus, whispering, crackle, sound, stir, swish, whisper, purl, patter. # game. whispered speech; gossip, rumor; a sibilant sound : whisper… See the full definition Hello,. Synonyms for Cracked. Synonyms for talk under your breath include mutter, grumble, complain, grouse, whine, bleat, moan, beef, carp and gripe. . Search for synonyms and antonyms. Easy. com!whisper - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English ThesaurusWhisper definition, to speak with soft, hushed sounds, using the breath, lips, etc. synonyms. fancy. 3 synonyms for whispering bells: California yellow bells, Emmanthe penduliflora, yellow bells. , but with no vibration of the vocal cords. Sentences with whispering . Mutual synonyms. a light noise, like the noise of silk clothing or leaves blowing in the wind. 464 Synonyms ; 25 Antonyms ; more ; 5 Broader; 1 Narrower; 127 Related? List search. Mutter and whispering are semantically related in murmur topic. 8 synonyms for whispering: rustle, rustling, whisper, whisper, susurration, voicelessness. Nearby Words: whisper, whispered, whisperer. 464 Synonyms ; 25 Antonyms. com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. How to say Whispering Wall in English? Pronunciation of Whispering Wall with 1 audio pronunciation, 14 sentences and more for Whispering Wall. Login The STANDS4 NetworkSynonyms for Whisper gallery in Free Thesaurus. 481 other terms for whispering- words and phrases with similar meaning. "Synonyms for WHISPER: murmur, susurration, rustle, sough, whispering, rustling, susurrus, noise, mumble, hum, innuendo, buzz, intimation, sigh, drone; Antonyms for. 1 synonym for whispering gallery: whispering dome. A whisper is the opposite of a shout. What are synonyms for Emmenanthe?Meaning of whispering. 5M antonyms | 300K definitions . Antonyms for whisper. Define whispering. horse-whispering pronunciation - How to properly say horse-whispering. 🔆 Explore synonyms and related concepts. – AnotherGuest Oct 27, 2013 at 5:18 1 "Stop that, you i--di-ot!" he growled in syncopated whisper. baseball. Nearby Words: whisper, whispered, whisperer. A secretly or surreptitiously expressed. Another way to say Loud Whisper? Synonyms for Loud Whisper (other words and phrases for Loud Whisper). 🔆 Explore synonyms and related concepts. or search for Whispering Jack Smith inside other dictionary definitions. Antonyms for Emmenanthe. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. 🔆 Explore synonyms and related concepts. Britannica English:. This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word whisper. 17 Whispering synonyms that start with letter R. & n. murmur. Old English hwisprian "speak very softly" (only in a Northumbrian gloss for Latin murmurare ), from Proto-Germanic *khwis- (cf. Definitions of Whispering. to speak to or tell (a person) in a whisper or privately. speak in hushed tones. phrases. 0 / 0 votes whisper, whispering, susurration, voicelessness nounSynonyms for WHISPERED: muttered, shouted, mumbled, murmured, gasped, breathed, mouthed, sputtered; Antonyms of WHISPERED: silent, inarticulate, quiet, mute, unspoken. Search for synonyms and antonyms. Stirring and Whispering are synonymous, and they have mutual synonyms. com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Lists. Classic Thesaurus. What are another words for Whispering campaigns? Smear campaigns, innuendoes, insinuations, slanders. Find more similar words at wordhippo. Hum . Both words in one sentence. What are similar words for Whispering starting with P? Filtred list of synonyms for Whispering is here. Difficult. when cancer spreads through the body. Synonyms for phrase Whispering rabbi. Search for synonyms and antonyms. いくつかの代替単語は何ですか whispering? 同義語 whispering このシソーラスページはすべての可能な同義語、その用語と同等の、同じ意味および類似の単語です、 whispering. Pronunciation of Whispering Willow with 1 audio pronunciations. : He whispered endearments to her. Muttering noun - Speech that is not clear enough to be understood. 00 / 0 votes) Rate this synonym: whispering gallery, whispering dome noun. Synonyms for MURMURING: muttering, mutter, grunting, whisper, grunt, mumble, murmur, chattering; Antonyms of MURMURING: silent, quiet, hushed, noiseless, soundless. Whispering Antonyms. In some cases you can use "Whispering" instead an adjective "Cracked". 2. baseball. Discover the meaning behind the various cat-words used in the booksSynonyms for FELL: down, drop, hit, floor, topple, smack, knock over, slap; Antonyms of FELL: restore, revive, raise, animate, resurrect, resuscitate, nurture, healthySynonyms for Whispering. synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more. Random . Noun, singular or mass Identify signs of impending betrayal such as exaggerated whispering to attract your attention. Classic Thesaurus. 16 Whispering synonyms that start with letter P. Synonyms for Stage whispering in Free Thesaurus. We couldn't find direct antonyms for the term whispering sticks. The lighter breezes stirred vague whisperings in the pine-trees. Contexts Noun Soft speaking A feeble or petulant complaint Warning sign. Synonyms for WHISPERS: tales, stories, talks, gossip, canards, lies, scuttlebutt, slanders, tattles, hearsay What is another word for whisper? Need similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Rumour. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "Harsh whisper" are: bray, squawk, hard, rough, and jangle. You can use "Mutter" instead the word "Whispering" as a noun or a verb, if it concerns topics such as grumble. telephone game. Present participle for to. mutual synonyms. com!Synonyms for DECLINE: refuse, reject, ignore, deny, dismiss, avoid, withdraw, dispute; Antonyms of DECLINE: accept, agree (to), approve, tolerate, receive, take. Search for synonyms and antonyms. In some cases you can use "Whispering" instead the word "Murmuring" as an adjective or a noun. Whisper is a synonym for whispering. • whispering dome (noun) whispering dome. C. The lighter breezes stirred vague whisperings in the pine-trees. Moderate. – AnotherGuest Oct 27, 2013 at 5:18 1 "Stop that, you i--di-ot!" he growled in syncopated whisper. 464 Synonyms ; 25 Antonyms. Mutual synonyms. 8 synonyms for whispering: rustle, rustling, whisper, whisper, susurration, voicelessness. definitions. twisty. Find Definitions, Similar or Opposite words and terms in the best online. given to whispering; gossipy. Whispering and gossip are semantically related. define whispering. antonyms. What are synonyms for whispering gallery?Antonyms for whispering at Synonyms. mutual synonyms sentence examples. Antonyms for whispering gallery. Ngram: leaves crackling - You Tube the sound of crackling leaves. – Blessed Geek Oct 27, 2013 at 5:22 Pronunciation of Whispering Willow with 1 audio pronunciation and more for Whispering Willow. murmur . We couldn't find direct synonyms for the term whispering sticks. whispering > synonyms. Find more similar words at wordhippo. Synonyms for whispering murmur susurration murmuring rustling Show more Synonyms Add synonyms Learn more about the word "whispering" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary. Is there a word or phrase that can be used in place of this (It doesn't have to fit perfectly into place with rustles/rustling/rustled ). Her sweet whispering is like the confused buzz of bee swarms that are mad with love. Lists. Synonyms for Whispering. Hum and Whispering are synonymous, and they have mutual synonyms. idioms. com!Chinese Whispers synonyms - 22 Words and Phrases for Chinese Whispers. Mutual synonyms. Moderate. Hum and Whispering Related words. Gossip noun - Information or opinion that is widely disseminated without any authority or confirmation of accuracy. clouds. Synonyms for whispering dome whis·per·ing dome This thesaurus page is about all possible synonyms, equivalent, same meaning and similar words for the term whispering dome. Synonyms for whispering dome in Free Thesaurus. Whispering rabbi Synonyms We can't find synonyms for the phrase "Whispering rabbi", but we have synonyms for terms, you can combine them. Hum noun - A monotonous sound like that of an insect in motion. Suggest synonym for Whispering. sentences. Synonyms for whisperings include susurrations, soughs, whispers, undertones, mutterings, mumbles, mutters, drones, murmurs and purrs. 5M antonyms | 300K definitions . Quiet and Whispering are synonymous, and they have mutual synonyms. Show all Definitions. verb (used with object) to utter with soft, low sounds, using the breath, lips, etc. low death. Synonyms and Antonyms of He/she was whispering. Synonyms for whispering campaign include innuendo, insinuation, slander, character assassination, sly suggestion, smear campaign, rumour, libel, rumor and gossip. Random word . husky . n. Pronunciation of whispering pectoriloquy with 1 audio pronunciations. whisper . Maybe you were looking for one of these terms? whispering, whispering bells, whispering campaign, whispering dome, whispering gallery, whispers, whist, whist drive, whistle, whistle blower. Full list of synonyms for Whispering campaigns is here. tried twice for the same crime. How to use "Whispering gallery" in context? The whispering gallery is an ancient and haunting place in England that, legend has it, was once a place where the ghosts of scandalous historical figures could talk to one another. sentences. fancy. Find 22 ways to say FURIOUSLY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. Nicknames (0. Synonyms for Whispering Jack Smith Whis·per·ing Jack Smith This thesaurus page is about all possible synonyms, equivalent, same meaning and similar words for the term Whispering Jack Smith. Synonyms for Whispering (other words and phrases for Whispering). 800K terms | 31M synonyms | 4.